Production Facilities

We are manufacturing the medicine of wide range of Anti- infective, Antihelminthics, Vitamins & minerals, Growth Promoter, Nutritional products, Hormonal, NSAIDs, Digestive, Metabolic aids, Probiotics, Disinfectants Productivity enhancer, Immunity Booster, Anti Protozoal etc.

Each & every person of the plant is working relentlessly.

Lillian plants are equipped with modern facilities. All manufacturing machinery and devices are digitally programmed for highest precision. We are using Ultra- modern fluid bed dryer, Rapid mixing Granulator, Cone blender, Auto coater and Automatic, Semi auto powder for suspension and liquid filling and sealing machine.

Water is the key component for Pharmaceuticals products; the water system at Lillian Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is very sophisticated by any regulatory parameters. We have also Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) facilities.